Software Testing
Certification Course

In depth course designed by industry experts based on current job requirements.

A platform to enter into an Industry.

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Want to get Career-oriented Software Testing Training in Chennai , then think about adventure institute that offers certification and placement assistance on both manual and automation testing training. We train you on the important automation testing tool Selenium.

Through our personal, interactive and practical training in Chennai, you can rest assured that you can get the value for your money. Software Testing is a method to check whether the actual software product matches expected requirements and to ensure that software product is defect free.

It involves execution of software/system components using manual or automated tools to evaluate one or more properties of interest. The purpose of software testing is to identify errors, gaps or missing requirements in contrast to actual requirements. Software testing training in Chennai adventure will provide the manual training, selenium training, JMeter trainning, QTP training, Load Runner Training with 100% job assistance.

Software Testing can be broadly classified into two types:

  • Manual Testing: Manual testing includes testing a software manually, i.e., without using any automated tool or any script. In this type, the tester takes over the role of an end-user and tests the software to identify any unexpected behavior or bug. There are different stages for manual testing such as unit testing, integration testing, system testing, and user acceptance testing.
  • Automation Testing: Automation testing, which is also known as Test Automation, is when the tester writes scripts and uses another software to test the product. This process involves automation of a manual process. Automation Testing is used to re-run the test scenarios that were performed manually, quickly, and repeatedly.

Scope of Software Testing

In the IT industry, large companies have a team with responsibilities to evaluate the developed software in context of the given requirements. Moreover, developers also conduct testing which is called Unit Testing. In most cases, the following professionals are involved in testing a system within their respective capacities

  • Software Tester
  • Software Developer
  • Project Lead/Manager
  • End User

Different companies have different designations for people who test the software on the basis of their experience and knowledge such as Software Tester, Software Quality Assurance Engineer, QA Analyst, etc.


  • Duration :1-2 Months
  • Eligibility : B.E/B.Tech, M.E/M.Tech,

Who should attend?

  • Academic background of a software tester should be in Computer Science.
  • A BTech/ B.E., MCA, BCA, BSc- Computers, will land you a job quickly.

Career opportunities

  • From being a test engineer one can move to senior test engineer, test lead to test manager; else can become QA lead, QA Manager. The options available in the testing tools side are enormous. 
  • High demand in market.
    • Embedded software/hardware designer
    • ES architect
    • System integrator
    • ES Analyst
    • Systems engineer
    • Engineering manager
    • Kernel developer
    • Embedded linux engineer


A right place for getting start your Career with 100% placement assistance. To know more about us click here.

Key Features

Why Choose Adventure

Real-world experience by allowing the trainee to get her hands directly on whatever she is learning, creating a sense of empowerment.

Hand on practical session

Real-world experience by allowing the trainee to get her hands directly on whatever she is learning, creating a sense of empowerment.

When a student completes his/ her course successfully, Placement Cell helps him/ her interview with major companies related to their courses.

100% placement assistance

When a student completes his/ her course successfully, Placement Cell helps him/ her interview with major companies related to their courses.

Dedicated Trainers who are experienced more than 10+ years in the industry. Our trainers are recognized as a pioneering Executive Coach.

Expert Trainer

Dedicated Trainers who are experienced more than 10+ years in the industry. Our trainers are recognized as a pioneering Executive Coach.

Adventure syllabus patterns are designed by industry experts, Core job related professionals. Our syllabus is based on trending industry requirements.

Industry relevance syllabus

Adventure syllabus patterns are designed by industry experts, Core job related professionals. Our syllabus is based on trending industry requirements.

A flexible schedule allows an student to attend the classes with variable timing pattern.

Flexible timingt

A flexible schedule allows an student to attend the classes with variable timing pattern.

We offer reasonable fees structures for the students with Case studies after completing every chapter with practical assessment.

Affordable fees

We offer reasonable fees structures for the students with Case studies after completing every chapter with practical assessment.


Course Overview
1. Introduction to Software Testing
* What Is Testing
* What Is Quality
2. Software Development Life Cycle

* Initial Requirement Phase
* Analysis Phase
* Design Phase
* Coding Phase
* Testing Phase
* Delivery And Maintenance Phase
3. Testing Methodology
* Conventional Testing
* Unconventional Testing
4. Testing Levels
* Black Box Testing
* White Box Testing
* Gray Box Testing
5. Software Development Model
* Waterfall Model
* Prototype Model
* Evolutionary Model
* Spiral Model
* Fish Model
* V-Model
* Agile Model

Course Overview
1. Selenium Introduction
* Test Automation
* Automation Advantages
* Introduction To Selenium
* Brief History Of Selenium Project
* Selenium’s Tools Suite
* Supported Browsers And Platforms
* Differences Between Selenium And QTP
2. Selenium IDE
* Selenium IDE Introduction
* Installing IDE
* IDE Features(ICONs)
* Building Test Cases
* Running Test Cases
* Selenium Commands-Selenese
* Verifying Page Elements
* Assertion Vs Verification
* Locating Elements (Element Locators)
* Pattern Matching
* The “AndWait” Command
* WaitFor Command In AJAX
* Store Commands And Selenese Paramenters
* Echo – Selenium Print Command
* Alerts, Popups & Multiple Windows
* Debugging
* Writing A Test Suite
* IDE Test On Different Browsers
* Troubleshooting
* Selenium Test Runner
3. Realtime Selenium Project
* What Is Ajax
* Group Project
* Implementation Project

Course Overview
1. Introduction
* The C Language And Its Advantages
* The Structure Of A C Program
* Writing C Programs
* Building An Executable Version Of A C Program
* Debugging A C Program
* Examining And Running A C Application Program
2. Data Types And Variables
* Data Types
* Operands, Operators, And Arithmetic Expressions
3. Input/Output Management
* The Input/Output Concept
* Formatted Input Function
4. Control-Flow Statements
* The Control-Flow Program Statements
* Looping Statements
* The Data-Checking Process
5. Modular Programming With Functions
* The C Function
* Passing Data To Functions
* Passing An Address To Modify A Value In Memory
* Using Functions In The Checkbook Program
* C Standard Library Functions
6. Arrays, Pointers, And Strings
* Arrays , Pointers , Strings
* Using Arrays, Strings, And Pointers In The Checkbook Program
* Structures
* Arrays Of Structures
* Passing Structures To Functions
* Nesting Structures
7. File Input/Output
* Command-Line Arguments
* Combining Command-Line
Course Overview
*Introduction about QTP
* Salient Features
* Drawbacks of Manual Testing
* Advantages of Test Automation
* Supporting Environments
* Information about other Functional Testing tools.
* Which Test Cases needs to be Automated.
* Difference between QTP & Winrunner.
* Expert View and its Syntax.
* Record and Run.
* QTP Testing Process.
* Analyzing Test Results
* Debugging Tests
* Key Elements of QTP
* Test Pane
* Active Screen
* Data Table
* Object Repository & Object Spy
* Learning about VB Script
* Descriptive programming
* Object Identification
* Smart Identification
* Parameterization using Data Table.
* Output Values.
* Conditional Statement
* Looping Statement
* Recording Modes
* recovery Scenario
* Run Modes
* Checkpoints
* Synchronization
* Different ways to Invoke Application in QTP
* Actions
* Function Library
* Public and Private Function
* Function – Call by Value & ref
* Transaction point
* Optional Step
* Frameworks
* Step Generator
* Virtual Objects
* Report event
* Batch Testing
* Adding comments to Scripts.
* Get TO Property/Get RO Property
* Sample VB Script programs
* Assignments
Course Overview
1. Web Application
* Static Content, Dynamic Content, Web Hosting
* Features Of Browsers
* Types Of Requests (GET Vs POST)
* Query String, From Data
* Networking Modules (OSI Module,TCP/ IP)
* 2- Tier, 3- Tier, N- Tie Architecture
* Types Of Operating Systems (Widows, Linux, HP UX, IBM AIX, MAC)
* Web/ APP/ DB Servers And Their Purpose
2. Introduction To Performance Testing
* What Is Performance Testing Benefits Of Performance Testing
* Performance Testing Phases / Life Cycle
* Types Of Performance Testing (Load, Stress, Volume, Endurance, Baseline, Benchmark Etc)
* Introduction About Various Performances Testing Tools And Scripting Language Info
* Indentifying The Business Scenarios For Performance Testing
* Think Time, Rendezvous Point, IP Spoofing, Denial Of Services Attack
* Workload Characterization
3. Introduction To Load Runner
* Introduction About The LoadRunner With Various Versions
* Components Of LoadRunner And Purpose Of Each Component
* Load Generators, Calculating The # Of LGs For A Load Test
4. Virtual User Generator
* A Small Introduction About The C Language (Variable, Functions, Loops)
* Recording A Script
* Recording Log, Generating Log, Replay Log And Correlation Results Log
* Regenerate Script, Recording Options
* Best Practice For Recording A Script
* Run Time Settings
* Correlation
* Parameterization
* Page Validations
* Transaction Timers
* Think Times
* Randomizing The Script
* Frequency Used C Functions
* Debug A Script
* LR Variables Vs C Variables Custom Requests
* Tips For Advances Scripting


Software testing refers to the process of gauging a software product for quality. It is also done to make the product better and minimize all the errors and problems with it. For professional software testing endeavours, we have something called the STLC or Software Testing Life Cycle.

Professionals responsible for the testing process are usually called software testers. While smaller and simple software products require only a few, or even a single, testers, complex, full-fledged software products demand a dedicated testing team.

There are several job profiles in software testing, starting from testers and test analysts to testing managers and test designers. In addition to software testing courses, there are numerous software testing certifications available for both aspirants and professionals.

Mode of Training

  • Customizable Platform
  • Accessible on Mobile Devices 
  • One to one live practice session
  • Individual Training with clarity
  • Works with real time projects
  • Graphical systems for explanation
  • 10+ Years of experienced trainer
  • Session with graphical explanation
  • Trained more than 2000+ Students
  • Get 100% Guaranteed JOB Support
  • Well equipped labs real time example projects
  • Free materials for better Career
  • Cloud Hosted Solution for students
  • Multimedia & Interactivity
  • Automated Reporting
  • Complete Technology support
  • Explain with Graphical user interface
  • Flexible timing for attend the training