
Engineering | MBA projects

We are pioneering in the engineering project services over 7 year excellence. One stop solution for all your final year project needs.


Embedded, IOT, Image Processing, VLSI, NS2, Wireless communications, Robotics and updated IEEE based projects.


Power Electronics, Power systems, Renewable energy management system, MATLAB & SIMULINK Oriented Projects.


IOT, Cloud computing, Data Mining, Big data, Artificial Intelligence, Machine learning, Image Processing & Networking.


Cloud computing, Data Mining, IOT, Big data, AI|ML, Andriod, Blogchain, Network Security & WebSecurity


Design & analysis projects, all types of fabrication Projects, Composite materials and your own fabrication projects.


Projects for HR, projects for Marketing, Projects for Finance, Projects for Operations & Analytics.

About Us

Chennai’s Best R&D Project Training Institute.

We offer Real time projects with updated IEEE Projects.

Adventure offers final year projects with training and certification. The final year project will be a great opportunity to expose your uniqueness and knowledge.

This is your time to prove how strong you are in your stream. All your theoretical knowledge will be converted into practical knowledge. It is a dream time for creative Students. Also, Final year projects are your gateway for placement and one step before for your carrier. We recommend a real-time project for students.

Adventure Technology solutions is one of the Best final year project Centres and Internship institutes in Chennai for BE CSE | B.Tech IT | MCA | M.Sc | BCA | B.Sc | M.E |M.Tech and all Computer Science-based departments.


Moving Into future with Leading Innovation hub of Chennai

Node Js


My Sql




Key Features

Your Ideas to Project!!!! Definition to Deployment!!!

IEEE Projects | Own Projects

Updated IEEE Projects (2020/2021) and Own R&D projects available with 100% technical support.

Timely Delivery with Training

Once you finalized your projects, we will deliver to you within 5-10 working days with proper training and Documentation.

R&D Support

Adventure Provides R&D support and Your own concepts or R&D projects are accepted for all the engineering domains.

Online project demo with Delivery

You can select your projects through the online. Once it is confirmed we will it to you through the courier(Hardware) or Online tools(Software).

Documentation Support

We will provides Documentation support for every projects. Students can Abstract, Base paper, PPT, Report (Contents Only ).

100% Guaranteed output

Adventure Provides 100% guaranteed output for software and Hardware oriented projects with proper training.

Student's review

What do students actually praise about ADVENTURE?


Recent Projects