Certification Course

In depth course designed by industry experts based on current job requirements.

A platform to enter into an Industry.

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The Java Training in Chennai at Adventure is a comprehensive learning path that enables the participants to get acquainted with the essential concepts such as Java Array, Threads, Exception handling, JSP, XML handling, Operators, Loops, Collections, Servlets, and Database Connectivity.

This program also provides hands-on training of the advanced Java frameworks like Core Java Training J2EE Training, Hibernate Training, Spring Training, Struts Training, Advanced Java Training that are popularly used in the Web Applications industry under the guidance of Expert Java Professionals with certification. Java is equipped with a rich API and this works in favor of it. This API is very flexible and can be used with any group of tools and applications to carry out actions.

Developers deploy java since the code can be run safely on almost any other platform. This is irrespective of the platform in which it runs. The installation of Java Run time Environment only is essential in this regard. Knowing Java opens a great deal of doors for you as a developer.

Scope of java

  • From choosing your first programming language to writing apps for Android and several software systems, Java has been everyone’s favorite.  
  • It has been one of the most popular languages with developers, mainly because of its versatile nature and compatibility. 
  • According to the latest TIOBE 2020 Popularity Index, it is the most popular language used by developers across different corners of the world.
  • If you are interested in learning Java, you would be delighted to know that Java has the most number of submissions on any competitive programming website! Many students, during their under-graduation, learn and practice this language.
  • To be an expert in the java get train from best training in chennai for java. You can also update your knowledge by taking up the Java Certification Course.


  • Duration :1-2 Months
  • Eligibility : B.E/B.Tech, M.E/M.Tech, BCA/MCA

Who should attend?

  • Basic knowledge with coding techniques.
  • Software professionals who need gain more knowledge in that domain.
  • Developers who want to develop powerful applications

Career opportunities

  • If one talks about job opportunities in field of Java, knowledge of it is required with lot of new technologies such as ‘Java-UI Developers’, ’Android Developers’ and many others. Hence, there are numerous jobs opportunities available in Java, J2EE combining with other new technologies. These technologies are among the highest paid jobs in IT industry, as they come under software development.
  • One should have the competent skills to get an employment with IT companies as many companies are looking for the professionals, who can manage multiple projects in J2EE and augments the industrial efficiency.
  • People in this job generally have experience of less than 10 years. Experience strongly influences income for this job segment. A skill in Spring is associated with high pay for this job.
  • Java Programmer salary in India is the most lucrative in the field of computer and Internet networking industry.
  • Java language has become one of the “hottest” in terms of market trends and job opportunities. As a result, Java Programmer salary in India has also become very lucrative.
    • high stability 
    • high code compilation
    • portability across operating systems
    The popularity and demand of Java developers can be gauged by the fact that the world’s top brands like Twitter, LinkedIn, eBay, Amazon, etc., use Java to create a cohesive infrastructure between their web application and backend systems. 


A right place for getting start your Career with 100% placement assistance. To know more about us click here.

Key Features

Why Choose Adventure

Real-world experience by allowing the trainee to get her hands directly on whatever she is learning, creating a sense of empowerment.

Hand on practical session

Real-world experience by allowing the trainee to get her hands directly on whatever she is learning, creating a sense of empowerment.

When a student completes his/ her course successfully, Placement Cell helps him/ her interview with major companies related to their courses.

100% placement assistance

When a student completes his/ her course successfully, Placement Cell helps him/ her interview with major companies related to their courses.

Dedicated Trainers who are experienced more than 10+ years in the industry. Our trainers are recognized as a pioneering Executive Coach.

Expert Trainer

Dedicated Trainers who are experienced more than 10+ years in the industry. Our trainers are recognized as a pioneering Executive Coach.

Adventure syllabus patterns are designed by industry experts, Core job related professionals. Our syllabus is based on trending industry requirements.

Industry relevance syllabus

Adventure syllabus patterns are designed by industry experts, Core job related professionals. Our syllabus is based on trending industry requirements.

A flexible schedule allows an student to attend the classes with variable timing pattern.

Flexible timingt

A flexible schedule allows an student to attend the classes with variable timing pattern.

We offer reasonable fees structures for the students with Case studies after completing every chapter with practical assessment.

Affordable fees

We offer reasonable fees structures for the students with Case studies after completing every chapter with practical assessment.


Course Overview
1. Core Java Language Environment
* Object Oriented
* Platform Independent
* Automatic Memory Management
* Compiled / Interpreted Approach
* Robust
* Secure
* Dynamic Linking
* MultiThreaded
* Built-In Networking
2. Java Fundamentals

* Data Types
* Operators
* Control Statements
* Arrays
* Enhanced For-Loop
* Enumerated Types
* Static Import
* Auto Boxing
* C-Style Formatted I/O
* Variable Arguments
3. Essentials Of Object-Oriented Programming
* Object And Class Definition
* Using Encapsulation To Combine Methods And Data In A Single Class
* Inheritance And Polymorphism
4. Writing Java Classes
* Encapsulation
* Polymorphism
* Inheritance
* OOP In Java
* Class Fundamentals
* Using Objects
* Constructor
* Garbage Collection
* Method Overloading
* Method Overriding
* Static Members
* Understanding Interface
* Using Interfaces Class
5. Packages
* Why Packages
* Understanding Classpath
* Access Modifiers And Their Scope
6. Exception Handling
* Importance Of Exception Handling
* Exception Propagation
* Exception Types
* Using Try And Catch
* Throw, Throws, Finally
* Writing User Defined Exceptions
7. I/O Operations In Java
* Byte Oriented Streams
* File Handling
* Readers And Writers
8. Multithreaded Programming
* Introduction To Multi-Threading
* Understanding Threads And Its States
* Java Threading Model
* Thread Class And Runnable Interface
* Thread Priorities
* Thread Synchronization
* Inter Thread Communication
* Preventing Deadlocks
9. Developing Java APPS
* Defining A Solution Without Writing Code
* Organizing A Concept Solution
* Creating A Program Skeleton
* Defining Error Checking Requirements
* Introduction To Application Security
10. Network Programming
* Introduction To Networking
* InetAddress
* TCP Socket And ServerSocket
* UDP Socket
* Developing A Chat Application
11. Java Util Package / Collections Framework
* Collection And Iterator Interface
* Enumeration
* List And ArrayList
* Vector
* Comparator
* Set Interface And SortedSet
* Hashtable
* Properties
12. Generics
* Introduction To Generics
* Using Built-In Generics Collections
* Writing Simple Generic Class
* Bounded Generics
* Wild Card Generics
13. Inner Classes
* Nested Top Level Classes
* Member Classes
* Local Classes
* Anonymous Classes
14. Abstract Window Toolkit
* Graphics
* Color And Font
* AWT Components/Controls
* Event Handling And Layouts
15. Swing Programming
* Introduction To Swing And MVC Architecture
* Light Weight Component
* Swing Hierarchy
* Atomic Components E.G. JButton, JList And More
* Intermediate Container E.G. JPanel, JSplitPane And More
* Top-Level Container E.G. JFrame And JApplet
* Swing Related Events
16. JAVA Frameworks
* Java Framework Struts 2
* JSF (JavaServer Faces)
* Spring MVC Framework
* Wicket Framework
* Stripes
* Tapestry
* Seam
* Google Web Toolkit (GWT)
* OpenXava
* Apache Axis
* Hibernate
* Java Applet
* SiteMesh
* Spark
* Servlet API

Course Overview
1. Java 2 Enterprise Edition
* The Enterprise Today
* J2EE Platform
* J2EE Architecture
* Developing J2EE Applications
2. Database Programming With JDBC
* Java Database Connectivity
* Database Drivers
* Open Database Connectivity
3. Servlets
* Servlets
* Servlet Implementation
* More About Servlets
* Tomcat Documentation
4. JSP – Java Server Pages
* JSP Basics & Architecture
* The Nuts & Bolts
* JSP Application Design
* Tag Libraries
5. Remote Method Invocation
* Remote Objects
* Stubs & Skeletons
* Serialization Classes
* Remote Interfaces
6. Enterprise Java Bean
* Components Of EJB
* Session Bean
* Entity Bean
* Message Driven Bean
* Java Transaction Services
* Transaction Manager Functionality
* Transaction Model
* Transaction Manager Implementation
7. Java Transaction API
* Introduction
* Distributed Transaction Process & Transaction Manager
* Sample Program
8. Java Naming & Directory Services Interface
* Naming Services Overview
* Directory Services Overview
* Naming Service Provider
* Directory Service Provider
9. JavaMail
* Implementation Of System
* JavaMail With Weblogic
* Sending Message With JavaMail
* Reading Message With JavaMail
10. Struts
* Introduction To Frameworks
* Frameworks Vs Class Libraries
* Struts Framework
* Configuration
* Packages In Struts
11. XML
* Role Of XML
* XML Syntax & Parsing
* Elements. Tags & Attributes
* Roles & Functions Of DTD
* XML Schema Structure
* XML Parsers For Java
* Role Of SAX & DOM

Course Overview
1. Overview
* Java Enterprise Edition
* Enter The Framework
* Spring Modules
* Controlling Object Creation
* Web Applications
* Persistence Support
* Aspect-Oriented Programming
* Integrating Other Frameworks
2. Core Techniques
* Component-Based Software
* JavaBeans, Reconsidered
* The Factory Pattern
* Inversion Of Control
* XML View: Declaring Beans
* Java View: Using Beans
* Singletons And Prototypes
* Initializing Bean State
3. Dependency Injection
* Complex Systems
* Assembling Object Graphs
* Dependency Injection
* Single And Multiple Relationships
* The Utility Schema
* Autowiring
* Bean Aliases
* Order Of Instantiation
4. Validation
* Validators
* The Errors Object
* ValidationUtils
* Error Messages And Localization
* Nested Property Paths
5. The Web Module
* Servlets And JSPs: What’s Missing
* The MVC Pattern
* The Front Controller Pattern
* DispatcherServlet
* A Request/Response Cycle
* The Strategy Pattern
* JavaBeans As Web Components
* Web Application Contexts
* Handler Mappings
* “Creating” A Model
* View Resolvers
6. Customizing Spring MVC
* HandlerMapping Options
* ViewResolver Options
* Chaining View Resolvers
* Triggering Redirects
Course Overview
1. Introduction To Hibernate
* Issues With Persistence Layers And Object-Relational Mapping (ORM)
* Hibernate Overview And Benefits
* Hibernate Architecture Overview
* POJO (Plain Old Java Object) Based Mapping
2. Getting Started With Hibernate Quickly
* Overview Of The Hibernate Distribution
* Configuring Hibernate
* Hibernate.Cfg.Xml File
* SessionFactory Configuration
* Connection Properties, Database Dialect
* Configuration Class, Session Interface
* “Hello World” Program For Hibernate
* Mapping A Class
* Persistent Entity Class, Hibernate Mapping
* File, Mapping The Entity Class
* Primary Keys: Id Property, Generated Id
* Hibernate Type System
* Working With Sessions And Persistent Objects
* Logging – Log4j Overview And Configuration For Hibernate
3. Querying
* Inserting And Updating Entities
* HQL – Hibernate Query Language Overview
* The Query Interface
* Creating And Working With Queries
* Named Queries, Projection Queries, Aggregate Queries
4. The Persistence Lifecycle
* Transaction Overview And Transactions In Hibernate
* Hibernate Transaction API (In Managed And Non-Managed Environments)
* The Lifecycle Of Managed Objects
* Persistent, Transient, And Detached Objects
* The Persistence (Session) Context (Lifespan, Relation To Managed Objects, * Propagation)
* Contextual Sessions
* Synchronization To The Database
* The Session As Cache
5. Relationships
* Object Relationship Overview
* Mapping Collections Of Value Objects
* Entity Relationships: 1-N, N-1, N-N, 1-1
* Mapping Entity Relationships
* Uni And Bi-Directional Relationships
* The Relationship “Inverse”
* Cascading Over Relationships
* Queries Across Relationships (Lazy And Eager)
6. Inheritance Mapping
* Entity Inheritance With Hibernate
* Table-Per-Class Mapping
* Table Per Subclass Mapping
* Table Per Concrete Class Mapping
7. Additional Querying Capabilities
* Projection Queries, Aggregate Queries
* Bulk Updates And Deletes
* Native SQL Queries
* Query Filters
8. The Criteria API
* Overview Of The Criteria API
* Working Querying With The Criteria API
* Query By Example
9. Hibernate And Java Persistence / EJB 3
* Overview Of Java Persistence / EJB 3
* Relationship Between Java Persistence And Hibernate
* Overview Of Annotations
* Mapping Entities With Hibernate Annotations
* The EntityManager, Persistence Context And Persistence Unit
* Working With Transactions – EntityTransaction, Managed, And Unmanaged Environments
* Inserts And Updates
* JPQL – Java Persistence Query Language
* Versioning
* Relationships
10. Advanced Topics
* Components And Multi-Table Mapping
* Equals() And HashCode()
* Caching And Efficiency
* Design Considerations
Course Overview
1. Struts Architecture
* MVC And Model 2
* Command Pattern
* Jakarta Struts
* More XML, Less Java!
* Action Mappings
* JavaBeans In Struts
* Working With Forms
* Validation
* Presentation Technology
* Tiles
2. Action Mappings
* Command Pattern For Web Applications
* ActionServlet
* Action And ActionMapping
* Struts Configuration
* Selecting A Forward
* Global Forwards
* Declarative Exception Handling
* Global Exception Handlers
3. Forms
* Working With HTML Forms
* Action Forms A/K/A Form Beans
* Relationship To Input
* Relationship To Actions
* Relationship To The Model
* Relationship To Output
* DynaActionForm And Map-Backed Forms
* Validation
* Coarse-Grained Form Beans
4. Struts Tag Libraries
* Building View Components
* Struts Tag Libraries
* Attributes And Struts Expressions
* Building Forms
* Html:form
* Html:text>Et. Al.
* Forms And Form Beans
* Scope And Duration Of Form Data
* Managing Hyperlinks
* Error Messages
* Logic Tags
Course Overview
1. Introduction To Java Programming
2. Object-Oriented Programming With Java Classes And Objects
3. Inheritance
4. Exception Handling
5. The Object Class
6. Servlets
7. Working With Wrapper Classes
8. Packages
9. Applets
10. Basics Of AWT And Swing
11. Threads
12. The I/O Package
13. Basic Concepts Of Networking
14. Database Connectivity
15. CRUD-Database Queries – Create/Replace/Update/Delete
16. Servlets
17. Java Server Pages
18. RMI
19. EJB
20. XML
21. Struts
22. Hibernate
23. Web Services
24. Restful Web Services – XML & JSON


Adding the best Java certification to your resume will surely impress the employer. A Java certification assures the employer that the candidate has the specified level of Java expertise and knowledge depending on the type of certification they possess.

Aside from the reason above, preparing for a Java certification Courses will brush up your Java programming skills.

The better you score in a Java certification, the better it will be.

Mode of Training

  • Customizable Platform
  • Accessible on Mobile Devices 
  • One to one live practice session
  • Individual Training with clarity
  • Works with real time projects
  • Graphical systems for explanation
  • 10+ Years of experienced trainer
  • Session with graphical explanation
  • Trained more than 2000+ Students
  • Get 100% Guaranteed JOB Support
  • Well equipped labs real time example projects
  • Free materials for better Career
  • Cloud Hosted Solution for students
  • Multimedia & Interactivity
  • Automated Reporting
  • Complete Technology support
  • Explain with Graphical user interface
  • Flexible timing for attend the training