Certification Course

In depth course designed by industry experts based on current job requirements.

A platform to enter into an Industry.

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.NET (pronounced dot net) is a framework that provides a programming guidelines that can be used to develop a wide range of applications – from web to mobile to Windows-based applications. The .NET framework can work with several programming languages such as C#, VB.NET, C++ and F#. At Grand Circus, we use C#.

.NET has a huge collection of predefined class libraries (pre-written code) that has support for simple and complex data structures. Essentially, that means you can rely on the work of hundreds of other developers and pull in already-written code into your own programs. .NET even has specific libraries for security, encryption, and database access.

The .Net framework can be used to develop both - form-based and web-based applications. The framework also supports various programming languages such as Visual Basic and C#. In this chapter, you will learn some basics of the .Net framework.

Dot net Training in Chennai adventure will provide the C Sharp Training, ASP .NET Training, VB.NET Training, SQL Server Training, Advenced .NET Training with 100% job assistance.

Scope of .Net

Today, ASP.NET is one of the most leading web application development frameworks and which are specially used to create dynamic websites.There are millions of the developers in the INDIA and same as companies who provide the service of ASP.NET development.

It can help in different categories including the development of Business websites, social networking websites, and content management channel. One can even create web-based applications in accordance with business needs.

One can even create a portal which can help solutions related to e-commerce and payment gateway integration. Some of the popular websites like Amazon.com, ebay.com, and several other websites use the framework of ASP server and without it, that work would not be possible.


  • Duration :1-2 Months
  • Eligibility : B.E/B.Tech, M.E/M.Tech, M.sc (electronics branches)

Who should attend?

  • All electronics and electrical students
  • Professionals with electronics and electrical background
  • Embedded professionals growth Career
  • Anyone who wish to build web applications and interested in learning Microsoft Technologies - We have taught even to people from Non IT background and helped them in getting jobs in IT industry.

Career opportunities

  • Dot Net Technology is provided by Microsoft in their Visual Studio edition. It helps build both Windows Applications and Web Applications. It is amongs top market leaders in developing web projects as it provides inbuilt MVC & ORM Framework. Details as mentioned below.
  • There are a number of career prospects available for .Net technology professionals. Almost all of the popular and well-known IT companies are seeking. Net experts.
  • Persons from technical and non-technical backgrounds can easily work as a .Net professional after completing a certification course. A number of companies have switched to it. Net technology due to its robust and platform independence features.
    • .NET Software Developer
    • .NET Software Engineer
    • .NET Web Developer
    • .NET Engineer


A right place for getting start your Career with 100% placement assistance. To know more about us click here.

Key Features

Why Choose Adventure

Real-world experience by allowing the trainee to get her hands directly on whatever she is learning, creating a sense of empowerment.

Hand on practical session

Real-world experience by allowing the trainee to get her hands directly on whatever she is learning, creating a sense of empowerment.

When a student completes his/ her course successfully, Placement Cell helps him/ her interview with major companies related to their courses.

100% placement assistance

When a student completes his/ her course successfully, Placement Cell helps him/ her interview with major companies related to their courses.

Dedicated Trainers who are experienced more than 10+ years in the industry. Our trainers are recognized as a pioneering Executive Coach.

Expert Trainer

Dedicated Trainers who are experienced more than 10+ years in the industry. Our trainers are recognized as a pioneering Executive Coach.

Adventure syllabus patterns are designed by industry experts, Core job related professionals. Our syllabus is based on trending industry requirements.

Industry relevance syllabus

Adventure syllabus patterns are designed by industry experts, Core job related professionals. Our syllabus is based on trending industry requirements.

A flexible schedule allows an student to attend the classes with variable timing pattern.

Flexible timingt

A flexible schedule allows an student to attend the classes with variable timing pattern.

We offer reasonable fees structures for the students with Case studies after completing every chapter with practical assessment.

Affordable fees

We offer reasonable fees structures for the students with Case studies after completing every chapter with practical assessment.


Course Overview
1. Developing Console Application
* Entry Point Method – Main.
* Command Line Parameters
* Compiling And Building Projects
2. Language Basics

* Variables And Data Types
* String & StringBuilder.
* Boxing And Unboxing
* Operators
* Statements
* Arrays And Strings
* Procedures And Functions
3. Working With Classes And Objects
* Adding Variables And Methods
* Properties And Indexers
* Constructors And Destructors
* Type Initialize
* Extension Methods
* Anonymous Types
* Memory Management And Garbage Collection
* Shared / Static Members
* Method Overloading
* Anonymous Methods
* Partial Classes & Methods
* Operator Overloading
* Inner Classes
* Attributes And Their Usage
4. Inheritance, Interface And Polymorphism
* Deriving Classes
* Calling Base Class Constructor
* Overriding Methods
* Non-Inheritable Classes.
* Abstract Class
* Interface Inheritance
* Namespace And Access Modifiers
5. Working With Collections
* List And Dictionary
* ArrayList And HashTable
* Generic Classes & Methods
* List And Dictionary
* IEnumerable And IEnumerator
6. Exception Handling
* Handling Exceptions Using Try And Catch
* Raising Exceptions Using Throw
* Pre-Defined Exception Classes
* Custom Exception Classes
* Using Statement
7. C# Features / General Features
* UnSafe Code
* Fixed Keyword.
* Operator Overloading.
* Reflection
* P-Invoke
8. Data Streams And Files
* Byte Streams
* Readers And Writers.
* Binary Streams
* Console And File I/O
* Serialization & Deserialization
9. Working With Components / Assemblies
* Creating A Simple .NET Framework Component
* Private And Shared Assemblies
* Singing Assemblies For Strong Names
* Deploying .NET Assemblies In Global Assembly Cache
10. Multi Threading
* Introduction
* Application Domains
* Creating And Managing Threads
* Thread Priority
* Thread States
* Thread Synchronization Using Monitor And Mutex
11. Data Access Using ADO.NET
* Introduction To ADO.NET
* Managed Providers
* Working With Connection, Command,
* DataReader And Transaction Objects
* Working With Prepared Statements And Stored
* Procedures.
* Connection Pooling And Multiple Active Result Sets
* orking With DataSet
* Adding, Deleting And Modifying Records In A Dataset
* Data Tables, Data Columns And DataRows
* Constraints And DataRelations
* Using DataView
* Wording With DataGridView.
12. Win Forms
* Introduction
* Controls
* Menus And Conext Menus
* MenuStrip, ToolbarStrip.
* Graphics And GDI
* SDI And MDI Applications
* Dialogbox (Modal And Modeless)
* Form Inheritance
* Working With Resource Files
* Working With Settings
* Other Misc Topics.
13. XML
* Introduction
* XMLDocument, XMLElement, XMLAttribute
* Interoperating With DataSet
* XMLDataDocument
* XML TextReader / XML TextWriter
* XPath.
14. Windows Services
* Purpose And Advantage
* Developing And Deploying
* Debugging Widows Service
* Sending Custom Events
15. Packaging And Deployment
* Compiled Deployment Of ASP.NET Application.
* Types Of Deployment Modules
* Working With A Setup And Web Setup Project
* Working With A Merge Module Project
16. Debugging And Tracing
* Debug And Release Compilation
* Debug And Trace Objects
* Tracing Switches & Listeners
* Debugging JavaScript From VS.NET
* Debugging SQL-Server Stored Procedures.

Course Overview
1. Introduction To ASP.NET
* Web Application Fundamentals
* Using Internet Information Services
* Web Forms
* Web Services
* ASP.NET Features
2. Web Forms Architecture
* Page Class
* Web Forms Life Cycle
* Web Forms Event Model
* Code-Behind
* Request/Response Programming
* HttpRequest Class
* HTTP Collections
* HttpResponse Class
* Redirection
* HttpUtility Class
4. Web Applications Using Visual Studio
* Using Visual Web Developer
* Visual Studio Forms Designer
* Using Components
* Shadow Copying
* Using The Global.Asax File
* Data Binding
5. State Management And Web Applications
* Session State
* Application State
* Multithreading Issues
* Cookies
6. Server Controls:
* HTML Server Controls
* Web Forms Server Controls
* Rich Controls
* Validation Controls
* User Controls
7. Caching In ASP.NET
* What Is Caching?
* Page-Level Caching
* Page Fragment Caching
* Optimizing Your ASP.NET Application
* Application Caching
8. ASP.NET Configuration And Security Fundamentals
* Configuration Overview
* Authentication And Authorization
* Forms Authentication
* Windows Authentication
* Security And ASP.NET
9. Debugging, Diagnostics And Error Handling
* Debugging
* Application Tracing
* Page Tracing
* Error Handling
10. More Server Controls
*Newer ASP.NET Controls
* Menus
* Master Pages
* ADO.NET Overview
* .NET Data Providers
* Connections
* Commands
* DataReaders And Connected Access
* Data Sets And Disconnected Access
* Language Integrated Query
12. Data Controls And Data Binding
* Data Source Controls
* Connection String Storage
* GridView
* DetailsView
* FormView
* Object Data Sources
* ListView
* DataPager
* Entity Data Model
* EntityDataSource
13. Personalization And Security
* Configuration Overview
* Themes
* Skins
* Security In ASP.NET
* Membership And Roles
* Login Controls
* User Profiles
14. ASP.NET Ajax
* Model-View-Controller Pattern
* What Is ASP.NET MVC?
* ASP.NET MVC Versus Web Forms
* ASP.NET MVC Projects In Visual Studio
* Controllers
* Action Methods And Routing
* Views
* Strongly-Typed Views
* Model Binding
* Validation

Course Overview
1. .Net Framework
* The .NET Platform
* .NET Framework
* Compilation And MSIL
* Common Language Runtime (CLR)
* Just In Time (JIT) Compilation
* Base Class Library (BCL)
2. The Visual Studio.Net IDE
* Creating A New VB.Net Project
* Using Control From The Toolbox
3. Object Oriented Programming Concepts
* Encapsulation
* Inheritance
* Polymorphism
* Constructors Overloading
4. Assemlies And Versioning
* MetaData
* Versioning
* Manifests
* Multi Module Assemblies
* Private And Shared Assemblies
5. Multithreading
* Threads
* Synchronisation
* Mutex Object
* Race Conditions
* Deadlocks
6. Exception Handling
* Exception Handling Fundamentals
* Try And Catch
* Throwing An Exception
7. .Net Remoting
* Application Domains
* Context
* Remoting
Course Overview
1. Introduction
* Business Intelligence
* Introduction Of BI Tools
* Database Overview
2. Introduction Of Microstrategy
* Microstrategy Architecture
* Microstrategy Desktop
* Microstrategy Web
* Microstrategy Servers
* Administration
* Folder Structure
* My Personal Objects
* Public Object
* Schema Object
* Metadata
* Report View
* Data – Export
* AutoStyles
* Custom Groups
* Facts
* Tables
* Update Schema
3. Advance Features
* Project Configuration
* Attribute Creation
* Metric Creation
* Drill Map
* Templates
4. Prompt
* Filter
* Administration Facts
* Creation Of Reports
* Grid Report
* Analyzing Data
* Transformations
* Hierarchies
* Data Explorer
* Adhoc Report
* Report Creation On Web
* Searches
* Documents
* Joins
5. Experts Features And Administration
* Project
* Installation
* Intelligence Server
* User Creation
* User Privilege
* Security Implementation
* Object Manger
* Command Manager
* Formatting Report
* Understanding Requirement
* Performance Improvement
* SQL Creation
* Challenges In Report
* Administrative Configurations
Course Overview
Advanced Dot Net Course will be taken the specialized concepts like MVC, WPF, WCF, Controls, Containers, and Data Visualization with complete hands-on experiences on real-time projects. After the course completion, one can able to have the appropriate understanding of along with the guidance through repetitive and updated Advanced Dot Net Interview Questions. Our Advanced Dot Net Training Course Syllabus covers the following comprehensive concepts in our Advanced Dot Net Training Center in Chennai
1. Introduction
* Mvc .Net Topics Briefing
* Project Analysis
* Wpf Briefing
* Project Analysis
* Wcf Analysis
2. Windows Forms Basics
* Common Controls
* Containers
* Menus And Dialogs
* Data Visualization From Sql
* Project Analysis


It’s all about the dot net framework and the components used in the scene behind. Knowing the dot net would be the simplest way as we would know any one of the following languages C, C++, C#, Core Java, small talk, python, etc. The beauty of Dotnet is to support 54 languages almost and it keeps gradually increased as the day by day.

Adventure technology solutions will provide the globally accepted dot net training certification with 100% job assistance support.

Mode of Training

  • Customizable Platform
  • Accessible on Mobile Devices 
  • One to one live practice session
  • Individual Training with clarity
  • Works with real time projects
  • Graphical systems for explanation
  • 10+ Years of experienced trainer
  • Session with graphical explanation
  • Trained more than 2000+ Students
  • Get 100% Guaranteed JOB Support
  • Well equipped labs real time example projects
  • Free materials for better Career
  • Cloud Hosted Solution for students
  • Multimedia & Interactivity
  • Automated Reporting
  • Complete Technology support
  • Explain with Graphical user interface
  • Flexible timing for attend the training